Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 294

Thanks Kelsey and Billy.
Kelsey, even coming home 2 Sundays ago was it? It was much greener here. That was before any of the trees had buds or the grass had really started turning green. It was very noticeable when we got home. As for the picture, there really aren't many flowers out yet, a few small ones. These are annuals in a planter box, so they don't really count. :]

Billy I agree, I was going for something a little different with the blur. I wasn't sure what I was going to do for yesterdays picture and just decided to slow the shutter speed down and move my camera during the shot. I should have taken a few more pictures though and maybe waited until it was later and used a tripod. Then had half the exposure still on the tripod and half blurred. Probably would've end up better. I need to be less rushed.

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