Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 457 - Kels

The fine details of the photo look better anywhere but on blogspot for whatever reason. It's annoying to me. Others probably wouldn't be able to tell.


Unknown said...

I like the black and white.

I wonder why blogspot would make the photo look different than other websites, that's strange.

oh yeah.. I love how mom didn't even notice I was wearing ears until I said something after being there for 2 hours, ha! I do want to see the photos you took of her some time.

William Hessian said...


Kris said...

I think they probably make the file size smaller once it's uploaded. But it ends up making the pictures look worse. Can't blame them for waiting to make the files smaller. I can only imagine how many files they host, for free.

Ha I know, very strange. It's not like they blend in with your hair color at all.

I can show you, but they're not very good.