Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 590

So Billy and Kelsey saw in some newspaper in North Dakota a list for the top 10 Sci-fi movies. The number one was District 9, which I liked a lot when I saw it. Billy and Kelsey hated it. But I thought it would be fun to see other peoples lists for their top 10 Sci-Fi movies.

1. Star Wars
2. Empire Strikes Back
3. Back to the Future
4. The City of Lost Children
5. Wall-E
6. The Fifth Element
7. Return of the Jedi
8. Time Bandits
9. Iron Giant
10. Spaceballs

Quickly ordered, could probably change a few around.
I also like Delicatessen a lot too, but I'm not sure it's Sci-fi.
There is probably a lot of Sci-fi movies technically better than these, but these are the ones I enjoy the most and would watch multiple times.


William Hessian said...

cool photo. here's my off the top of my head top 10:

1. sw: a new hope
2. Back to the Future
3. sw: empire strikes back
4. E.T
5. Wall E
6. Terminator 2
7. sw: return of the jedi
8. total recall
9. fifth element
10. alien

donnie darko, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind also come in close rankings. as with aliens and the first terminator.

Unknown said...

I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi movies, so I don't even know if I can list 10, ha. But I did see District 9 and enjoyed it as well! I'm also not a huge fan of special effects, but the CGI was probably the best I've seen in a long time.

Matthew Whipps said...

Well here are top thee:
1. Back to the Future (all)
2. The Lake
3. Terminator 2

Oh and I hated District 9.

- Whipps

Kris said...

Good list Billy. I was also thinking about adding donnie darko and eternal sunshine.

There are a lot of classic sci-fi movies I still need to see and there are some I need to see again. Alien, Blade Runner and Terminator movies it's been a very long time since I've seen them.

Brian make a list. Even a short one, I'd like to see your favs.

Matt, I'm not surprised you didn't like District 9. You hate everything! Good list, never seen the lake.

William Hessian said...

The Lake is a classic!

A must see.

Kris said...

Haha, for some reason I thought he meant a different The Lake.