Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 391

Terrible accident at the sWo softball game tonight. Jacob and Fish collided going for the ball. Jacob's shin was broke in two. From what Pat said, it was just dangling there afterwards. Just thinking about it makes me sick. The sound was terrible when they collided. It was incredibly loud and they were nowhere near us. I hope Jacob is doing okay and recovers fully as soon as possible. Take care man.

Thankfully Fish ended up being okay, even though it looked like he was going to be seriously hurt as well. From our view it looked as though Fish was hit in the face.

Here is another picture.


Povertee said...

I cant get the image of it out of my head.

Anonymous said...

Very scary scene! How did you know it was me? It says I'm anonymous!

William Hessian said...

good docu photos. scary.

Unknown said...

ewww. I can't get the popping noise out of my head.

Kris said...

Jay, I was told by a little birdy.

Yeah, that was gross. It was gross and I never even saw his leg. I can't imagine what it would be like if you were in the outfield like Pat.