Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 267

Lots of edits done to the background on this one.


Unknown said...

I like this one a lot. I think it is my favorite of your self portraits.

Unknown said...

what did you do to the background?

William Hessian said...

great photo. this is excellent.

Kris said...

I removed some chips in the paint.
I blurred the background a little because the focus was off a little bit. I have a really hard time focusing when I'm taking self portraits.
Also, the right side of the blanket was wrinkly and had some crazy shadows, so I copied the left slide, flipped it and blended it in so it looked more even and less distracting.
Now the question is, does that make the photo less successful?

William Hessian said...

because you altered it? ive heard this debate, and i believe digital images darkroom edits have to be done in photoshop, therefore are legit.

to say it is more or less successful than the original, we would need to see the original to make our opinion, i guess.

Kris said...

I don't mind digital edits. It's the darkroom for digital photography. It's just a lot easier these days. I don't do a whole lot myself though. Usually I just tweak the colors a little.

Honestly the original of this picture isn't all that great.