Monday, September 29, 2008

Day Eighty

I feel like I'm in a rut since I stopped taking pictures of Sam, the whole two days. I just can't seem to find things to take pictures of, or if I do find something to take a picture of, I can't find a way to make it interesting visually. Something that wont look like just another snap shot. I saw a tree that I thought looked neat with it's fall colors. But when I got home the photo looked boring and plain. Hopefully things are better tomorrow.


William Hessian said...

i get that feeling all the time, especially with photography. I like what i am looking at, and I feel like I frame it well, but when I see it on my computer screen. I practically yawn at it.

I have tons of pictures of landscapes or buildings or other random things that I think are simply boring pictures. Every once in a while I get a good one, but generally i simply think its just hard to take photos of certain things.

People are less boring in photos, and anyone that can take objects and landscapes and make them interesting are truly talented. I think you have that talent.

just remember that even great photographers, even the best in the world probably could not do a photo a day blog and have every single pictures be amazing. otherwise there'd be done of awesome one photo a day blogs from famous people.

keep it up.

Kris said...

Thanks Billy.

You're right I shouldn't expect to have great or even good pictures every day. To be honest some days I don't even take that many photographs. At least not enough to come out with something good every day. I've heard many photographers say recently they take many pictures for only a few good ones. Not every picture is going to be a hit.
Thanks for the boost. :]