Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 430 - OMG Shoes!

Shoes left behind at park.


Unknown said...

haha, awesome. who's shoes?

Kris said...

No idea, they were sitting at the park early in the morning. They had dew all over them. So they must have been there all night.

I also found 9 bucks in the grass along the path that was all wet from the dew.

Then Sam saw a deflated balloon hovering just off the ground and was completely freaked out.

William Hessian said...

are you sure it wasnt a crime scene?

that little girl was attacked for her allowance. your photo is evidence!!!

William Hessian said...

funny title.

Kris said...

Ha, it's possible I suppose. Though the shoes were far from the money and the balloon. But it's still possible!